Various Skin Tumors Observed in Canines

Unlike many other animals, canines can get tumors just like people. Uncontrolled cell development causes cancer. These cells may come from any part of the body. Cancer may spread to other tissues and interact with the circulatory or lymph systems if not detected and treated early. A tumor is the primary cause of mortality in dogs over ten years old. However, 50% of all canine cancers are curable if caught early.

Common Types of Skin Tumors

Skin diseases are one of the most commonly reported health issues in dogs. This can range from simple allergic dermatitis to parasites and tumors. Among these reported skin ailments, skin tumors are the most dangerous by far. Tumors on the skin can suggest several things. Some skin growths appear naturally as the dog ages but don’t usually pose a health risk. 

Skin tumors expand in size rapidly, indicating a more severe complication. Identifying a skin tumor is vital before deciding whether additional treatment is needed. You can click here to consult with a veterinarian and learn how they can provide insights about skin tumors in dogs.

Mast Cell Tumors

Most mast cell tumors in dogs are skin-based, although some are internal. Mast cell tumors are one of the most prevalent types of cancer in dogs. Usually, mast cells are located in different parts of the body and play a critical role in allergic reactions in dogs. They contain chemical granules that may cause an allergic and inflammatory response when exposed to the allergen.

Mast cell cancers can be diagnosed via fine-needle aspiration. Recommended procedure after detecting it is to surgically extract the tumor using a wide-margin excision technique that removes a part of healthy tissue or skin to prevent or minimize regrowth. If you want to know how vet surgery treats skin tumors in dogs, you may seek advice from a veterinarian specializing in this type of disease.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare skin cancer condition yet the most frequently encountered carcinoma in dogs. SCC tumors are often seen in senior dogs, and breeds like basset hounds, beagles, and standard poodles are more likely to develop it. SCC in dogs happens as raised, ulcerated plaques and nodules on the pet’s skin. If left without treatment, this type of tumor has the potential to become a huge mass. 

The recommended thing to do is to have the tumor operatively removed. A wide margin incision during surgery will reduce the tumor’s possibility to grow back. To keep your dog’s skin free of tumors, you can visit this website and learn how pet wellness plans prevent this from growing.


Melanomas are skin tumors that develop in the pigmented cells of the dog’s skin and spread throughout the body. This form of lump is common in dark-skinned dogs. In most cases, melanoma tumors are benign and do not spread to other parts of the dog’s body.

Malignant melanomas are uncommon yet highly invasive and aggressive. When a dog is diagnosed with malignant melanoma, immediate medical attention is required. In dogs, surgical treatment of benign skin melanomas is usually curative, and the risk of recurrence is relatively reduced.


Keeping track of your dog’s behavior, body, and physical health is vital to their overall health. It’s also a good idea to be on the lookout for any lumps or bumps you may see on your pet dog’s body when brushing or petting them. If your canine companion is exhibiting one or more of the symptoms indicated above, arrange an appointment with your trusted veterinarian as quickly as possible.