Skin Tumors in Pets: Information and Management

Skin tumors are the most commonly seen tumors in pet dogs and felines. This kind of tumor is diagnosed more often than other tumors in animals because they can be quickly seen and partly because the skin is always bare to lots of tumor-causing elements in the environment. Solar radiation, chemicals, and viruses are a few things that cause skin tumors. Hormonal abnormalities and hereditary aspects also contribute to developing skin tumors. Let us know more about this condition and how your veterinary physician will treat them.

Types of Common Skin Tumors

Basal Cell Tumors

This tumor is usually benign in pet dogs and felines and is commonly found on the head, ears, and neck. These tumors look solitary, firm, dome-shaped, raised masses, usually ulcerated or hairless. The lumps mighty protrude like stalks from the skin surface. They are different in size, from less than 0.4 inches to more than 4 inches in diameter, and sometimes dark in color. Although benign, they can be huge and cause extensive ulcer and secondary redness; they can also break the skin, causing the death of skin tissue, and drain pus.

These tumors are not usually bothersome; Nevertheless, they run the risk of self-trauma and infection if they develop in a location that can be chewed or scratched. Your family pet shouldn’t be allowed to scratch, bite, or lick these areas. Additionally, these tumors may grow without dog or cat surgery and make surgical removal more difficult, which is why it’s best to have your vet assess any abnormal growths or bumps as soon as you notice them. In studies, less than 10% of basal cell tumors are malignant.


This tumor can typically be seen in younger pet dogs and felines, less than 3 1/2 years old; it can take place at any age, and it can be seen mainly in the head, ears, and limbs. The tumors look raised, solitary, usually hairless, occasionally several skin nodules or plaques, and in some cases ulcerated lumps that are movable.

Medical diagnosis is through the microscopic exam for samples of the tumor cells from the fine needle biopsy. They’re considered ugly by most owners’ standards, these masses are benign, and whenever left untreated, they will still resolve within two to three months or less. It is considered a highly treatable skin mass. You can click here for more info on how to recognize this tumor and its proper treatment.

Lipomas and Liposarcomas

These tumors are benign tumors of fat and are common in canines and felines. Many lipomas combine with healthy fat tissue next to them, making it difficult to determine the edges of the tumors. Fine-needle aspiration is needed to exclude other tumors that mimic lipomas, such as mast cell tumors.

Pet owners shouldn’t disregard lipomas even if these are benign. Some tend to grow, and they might be indistinguishable from infiltrative lipomas or liposarcomas. Surgical removal can be a treatment for this. A dietary restriction like weight loss will be advised several weeks before surgery to make it easier for the surgeon to identify the tumor’s edges and remove it all.

These illnesses can be prevented when you are mindful of your family pet’s health as a pet owner. Pet wellness plans in douglasville are essential, and so is a yearly physical check-up for the early detection of health problems that will help to ensure a healthy life for your family pet.