Common Stomach and Intestinal Problems in Dogs

Common Stomach and Intestinal Problems in Dogs

One of the most typical reasons dogs see their veterinarian is for an upset stomach. Nevertheless, not all dog gastrointestinal disorders are the same. There are numerous reasons why dogs’ stomachs/intestines are upset. Digestive disorders can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. It may be complicated to determine whether or not a gastrointestinal disease is significant. Even minor conditions can worsen if left untreated for too long.

We’ll go through four of the most prevalent causes and treatments of digestive disorders in canines:


Constipation is defined as the inability or infrequency of eliminating feces, which is typically dry and firm. It is a relatively frequent issue in dogs. The trouble is simple to fix in most cases, yet the situation might be dire in sicker animals. Feces grow drier and more challenging to pass the longer they remain in the colon.

Plenty of water should be provided to affected pets. Mild constipation is frequently resolved by switching to a high-fiber food, preventing the dog from ingesting bones or other items, providing readily available water, and administering suitable laxatives (usually for a short time only). If laxatives are given, they will be ideal for your pet. Laxatives made for humans can be highly hazardous to pets, especially cats.

Canine Parvovirus

Canine parvovirus is a potentially fatal viral infection that predominantly affects puppies and adult dogs that have not been immunized. In addition to vomiting and fever, the dog may experience severe or bloody diarrhea. The virus is immune to many typical disinfectants and can survive in contaminated areas for months or even years.

Infected canines should be isolated from other dogs until they have completely recovered. Good hygiene is also crucial in preventing the spread of parvovirus. Puppies, even as young as six weeks old, can be immunized. All kennels, collars, bowls, and leashes should be cleaned, sanitized, and bedding discarded. Book your dog for an appointment at an animal hospital Concord if your dog manifests symptoms. 


Colon inflammation (colitis) can be temporary or chronic. Colitis is characterized by very soft to watery feces. Dogs with colitis struggle and appear to be in pain when defecating. They may try to use the litter box more often, even though their intestines are empty.

The origin of the health issues determines the therapy for veterinary internal medicine conditions such as colitis in dogs. A hypoallergenic or intestinal diet, for example, typically provides immediate relief. Because food intolerance can worsen colitis, vets may recommend an elimination diet. Your veterinarian might recommend additional treatments to help in healing and provide comfort.

Cancer of the Digestive System

Cancer in the digestive tract is rare, with stomach tumors representing less than 1% of all malignancies in small animals. Most gastrointestinal tumor forms have no known cause(s). Tumors of the digestive system in dogs are commonly malignant and spread to other parts of the body.

The first line of treatment for stomach cancer in dogs is a surgical procedure. The damaged region of the stomach, as well as a small amount of the small intestine, is routinely removed. Most patients stay in the hospital for two nights after surgery; during this period, the dog is closely examined for any complications. Check out this “vet surgery near me” page if you’re looking for a reliable surgical facility.

How Veterinarians Diagnose Disorders of the Stomach/Intestine in Dogs

Diarrhea and vomiting are not diagnoses in and of themselves; instead, they are symptoms. Diagnosing a dog to give the best potential treatment takes many inquiries.

A medical diagnosis requires:

Dog’s History

Speak to your primary vet about whether or not you should take your dog to the hospital for vomiting and diarrhea. Try to communicate as much information as possible, including a detailed description of the vomiting or diarrhea.

Physical Exam

A comprehensive health examination includes evaluating a dog’s temperature, pulse, heart, lungs, hydration, glands/lymph nodes, and other vital signs. This gives necessary information concerning the dog’s overall health and aids in planning diagnostic tests.

Laboratory Tests

Laboratory testing reveals what is going on within a pet’s body. The following are some frequent diagnostic examinations for gastrointestinal issues in dogs:

  • Blood tests
  • Fecalysis for parasites check
  • Food sensitivities
  • Hormone analysis
  • Testing for infectious diseases
  • Ultrasound
  • Urinalysis
  • X-rays

There is no need to worry if a puppy is unwell; none of these tests are needed simultaneously. Instead, your veterinarian will create a specific treatment plan based on the most likely problems that your pet is experiencing.