5 Ways Agility Training Can Benefit Your Dog

While it’s more common to train dogs in simple ways like obedience commands, home training, and simple tricks, not all pet parents consider agility training. Dog agility is a sport where handlers lead canines through obstacles like weave poles, hurdles, pipe tunnels, and tire jumps.

Dog agility training may look like a simple obstacle course where your canine can actively participate, but it has surprising benefits for you and your furry companion. So let’s discuss what you’ll gain from dog agility training.

Advantages of Dog Agility Training

If you’re a proud fur parent of a clever pup, dog agility is something you must not miss. If you’re planning to engage your pet with agility training, below are five excellent benefits you can expect.

1. Increases confidence

As canines continue to practice, excel and learn agility training, they also develop confidence. During an agility course, you tell your pet they can climb, run, jump, and go through any obstacles. This helps shy dogs overcome their nervous tendencies.

2. Keeps them fit

The amount of practice involved in canine agility training means your dog will develop strength and muscles through obstructions and various challenges. The speed needed to complete the course also means your pet gets a cardiovascular workout, which yields significant benefits. Since agility training involves running, leaping, and crawling, sprains and strains are sometimes inevitable.

Fortunately, pet laser therapy is proven effective for managing sprains and bone fractures and accelerates recovery. You may take your canine to the nearest vet facility that offers cold laser therapy for pets to help them recover immediately.

3. Burns mental and physical energy

Agility training is excellent for helping pets release energy in an enjoyable and safe manner. In addition, it’s perfect for all dog breeds, particularly the ones with high drive and energy, as it allows them to run at their full potential while staying laser-focused throughout the course. Agility helps dogs gain lean muscle, enhance their coordination, and strengthen their joints.

As for burning their mental energy, a quick agility training session can leave your pet entertained and exhausted. Do you suspect fractured or broken bones judging from your canine’s movements following agility training? Take your dog to a pet surgery professional immediately to address the situation.

4. Develops self-control

Untrained dogs will jump and run at any obstacles they find eye-catching. Some dogs would even be nuts about tunnels, jumps, and seesaws. Others may run everywhere at full speed. However, your dog will learn to develop self-discipline and commit to the task you want them to do in agility practices, with or without equipment.

Does your pet have a lung condition that keeps you from engaging them with agility training? Taking them to an internal medicine veterinarian in Leighton can help address their condition. Vet internists will tailor your pet’s treatment plan to give them the best chance to recuperate and live a healthy life.

5. Strengthens dog/owner bond

A dog won’t successfully complete an agility course without its owner’s assistance. This means that your dog will depend on your physical assistance and verbal directions throughout the entire course. This will help increase your pet’s trust in you, which will boost your bond with them.