Breeding Dogs: Choosing Which Dogs to Breed

Breeding dogs may be a highly gratifying and exciting hobby, so long as you know the responsibilities and risks involved. A litter of playful puppies may appear adorable and enjoyable, but they require work and care. Regardless of the purpose, there are vital considerations to consider before initiating a breeding program. 

How to select a dog which is suitable for breeding?

Consider the following characteristics when selecting a dog for breeding:

Choose your dog.

You must choose which of your pets will be bred. You must choose a dam or a female dog capable of bearing puppies. Studs are the male dogs that mate with dams. You can acquire a stud from a different breeder if you do not possess one. 


To employ a stud or acquire sperm costs money. Occasionally, the agreement allows the sire owner to choose a puppy from the litter. Ensure that all agreements are written and signed so that all parties have a contract.

Identify their genetic makeup.

You should research the genetic history of the pets. Examine the bloodlines of your dogs to verify they possess desirable characteristics. The American Kennel Club or another registering organization can provide the pedigree of purebred dogs. To prevent genetic issues caused by inbreeding, you must also ensure that the pair is unrelated and do regular dog and cat checkup


Both your dog and the dog you intend to breed must be screened for genetic defects. OFA maintains a database of dogs and their test results for genetic conditions, including hip and elbow dysplasia, eye problems, and patellar luxation. You do not want to reproduce canines with contagious diseases.

Observe their disposition.

Determine the viability of the canines you plan to breed by observing their behavior. This should be done with other dogs and each other. When pleasant, well-balanced dogs are bred, the likelihood that their progeny will have similar temperaments increases. The breeding of violent and extremely fearful dogs is unacceptable by reproductive vet services. They pose a danger.

Check the age of the pets.

Ensure that your dogs are of breeding age. The average age of a dog is roughly two years. By 24 months of age, numerous inherited defects will show. These can be evaluated using specialized examinations. For instance, the OFA will not accept x-rays of dogs under 24 months old for hip dysplasia assessment and grading. To breed efficiently and submit testing findings for examination by the OFA and other authorities, your dogs will need a permanent identity in the form of a microchip or tattoo. They want to verify that the results are not susceptible to manipulation.


At 6 to 9 months, dams begin their estrus cycles or heats. They enter estrus every 5 to 11 months after their first cycle. Before breeding a dam, most breeders wait until she is two years old and has had three or four cycles. She has acquired total adulthood at this point. She may also endure the stress of carrying and delivering puppies at this vet clinic.

To Sum It Up

Breeding dogs is a laborious process, but it may be rewarding if done correctly. Like babies, puppies are a nuisance, but the attachment you form with your dam and puppies makes it difficult to give them away. It’s a joy to watch a litter of puppies run and play in your yard as they mature, but the process is also time-money-and emotion-intensive.