Are You Looking After a Pregnant Dog? Here Are Essential Pointers You Can Follow

While neutering or spaying your pet is necessary to manage the pet population, it’s also essential that you offer the very best care possible if your pet gets pregnant before getting spayed. From the day you know she’s pregnant until she will give birth to her newborns, and even until the post-pregnancy. As we proceed, we will talk about in the post some visible indications your pet might be pregnant and the tips you can follow to take care of them during their pregnancy.

Indications Your Pet Might be Pregnant

1. Decreased activity

If you see that your canine spends more time napping or getting tired quickly when doing activities, it’s an indication that they are pregnant.

2. Changes to nipples

Your canine’s nipples may grow in size and become darker in color due to a sign of increased blood circulation and seem rounder compared to their usual flatness.

3. Changes in appetite

Due to your pet’s hormonal changes during pregnancy, you might see changes in its appetite. Like human beings, dogs may sometimes vomit due to morning sickness or consume less throughout the early stage of their pregnancy. Dogs commonly consume a lot after the first phase of their pregnancy.

However, if you observe that they have been consuming less for many days, it might signify that they suffer from oral problems. Have them inspected by a veterinary dental practitioner to determine the issue that needs treatment. You may visit the website of veterinary dentists for comprehensive information about the dental care services they offer.

4. Larger abdomen and weight gain

This is the most apparent indicator that your pet might be pregnant. If your dog is unspayed and you see no other factors for their unexpected weight gain, they are most likely pregnant.

Pregnant Dog Care Tips

1. Veterinary visits

Regularly bringing your dog to veterinarians will help ensure your furry companion remains healthy throughout her pregnancy. When veterinarians verify that your dog is pregnant, they will examine her for signs of discomfort or health problems and recommend the vital medications should your pet get diagnosed with any illnesses that require urgent attention.

In many cases, your vet will advise if your pet is qualified for a c-section. This would be possible if your dog has issues that will disrupt giving birth. Animal centers that offer pet surgery services will handle the operation for this matter.

2. Vaccination and parasite control

Maintenance for pregnant pets that involve vaccination, such as worms, fleas, and parasites, can’t be administered in your home without a vet’s approval. However, a few treatments might avoid medications to protect unborn puppies. Parasite control is crucial for your pregnant pet to prevent the newborn pups from being exposed to numerous parasites.You might consult your vet to learn more information about the necessary veterinary services for your pregnant animal.

3. Routine exercise

Giving birth to numerous puppies will require a lot of energy and strength; that’s why it is vital to keep your pregnant dog fit and healthy. Your canine will likely tire quickly, so keep your walks and workouts much shorter. Avoid rigorous activities or training your dog during pregnancy, as this could be stressful. Moreover, knocks or bumps from other pet dogs are bad for them as they may hurt their unborn puppies.

4. Diet plan and nutrition

The diet and nutrition of dogs are essential to consider, particularly when they are in the pregnancy stage. Select adult and premium food high in fat, minerals, and protein for your canine’s nutrition. Pregnant pets will need extra nutrition for healthy and strong puppies, so do not keep food from them.